Investor Relations MEETING15 S.A.

Company’s History

We met at the Faculty of Mechatronics of the Warsaw University of Technology in 2001. From the beginning, the cooperation between us was very interesting - we complemented ourselves in many ways.
After graduation, our paths seemed to divide a bit, but for many years, however, our cooperation flourished on the occasion of many joint projects, Tomek - specialized in designing and creating IT solutions, I - specialized in sales and management.
In 2016, at my request and for the needs of Ingram Micro Czech Republic, Tomek created the Internet service MEETING15, a service in the Software as a Service model. In 2019, after one of the meetings, we decided to start a company and offer the service to the whole world :).
And that's how we created MEETING15 S.A.
Paweł Jabłoński, CEO & co-founder
2001, Warsaw University of Technology
  • Paweł and Tomek at the Warsaw University of Technology
  • Faculty of Mechatronics, Computer Engineering
  • After studies, joint projects for: Techmex S.A., RRC Poland Sp. z o.o., RRC-CZ s.r.o.

2016, SaaS project
  • The SaaS internet service MEETING15 is created
  • First customer for the service: one of the largest IT distributors in the world, Ingram Micro

2019, Joint-stock company
  • New clients from the IT, Media, TiLog, HoReCa, Sport and Health Care sectors
  • Equity Crowdfunding = promotion + additional capital (human and financial) + affiliate program

2021, Establishment of a joint stock company in Japan
  • Establishment of a subsidiary Joint Stock Company in Tokyo (Japan)
  • Hundreds of events, new customers and partners from PL, JP, EU
  • Authorization and partnership with MICROSOFT

Strategy and sales model

Provider of services based on innovative internet and mobile technologies.
Producer of software offered in the SaaS model, digitization of business processes and dedicated software solutions.
Brand Ambassadors
Social Media
eCommerce Direct Selling
Cooperation with Event Agencies
Solution Providers
HoReCa Indirect sale
Special software solutions
Equity Crowdfunding, Shareholders Meetings, Web Games Combined sale
Organizers of conferences, events, workshops, training sessions, lectures, fairs, exhibitions, meetings with authors, sporting events, cultural events, medical congresses, etc. private and public companies, foundations, chambers, associations, institutions - all with e-voting needs.

Company authorities

The Management Board of MEETING15 currently has two people

Paweł Jabłoński
CEO & Co-founder
Tomasz Majewski
CTO & Co-founder

The Supervisory Board consists of

Sylwia Ratajczyk
Member of the Supervisory Board, Lawyer
Iwona Małachowska
Member of the Supervisory Board, Lawyer
Artur Jusiński
Member of the Supervisory Board, Managing Funds, Chief Analyst


Detailed description of the shareholding structure of MEETING15 S.A. broken down into the number of all shares held.

How far gets the MEETING15 service

Board announcements / summons

Zapraszamy wszystkich akcjonariuszy na Zwyczajne Walne Zgromadzenie.
Odbędzie się ono w Warszawie w siedzibie Spółki.

Adres: ul. Płochocińska 164/7c, 03-044 Warszawa
Data: 26 czerwca 2024, godz. 10.00.

Udział w ZWZ możliwy również online za pośrednictwem platformy MEETING15.
Wszyscy akcjonariusze otrzymali zaproszenia na podany wcześniej swój adres email.

Dziękujemy Zarząd MEETING15 S.A.

MEETING15 Joint-stock Company

Company headquarters and address Płochocińska 164/7C
03-044 Warszawa, Poland
+48 22 741 71 68
Registration data
KRS: 0000799802
NIP: 5242889675
REGON: 384182495
District Court for the capital city of Warsaw
XIV Economic Department of the National Court Register
Share capital: 115 739,00 zł
Company account number INGBPLPW PL 17 1050 1012 1000 0090 3193 1034
ING Bank Śląski
Paweł Jabłoński
CEO & Co-founder
+48 ‭691 121 152‬
Tomasz Majewski
CTO & Co-founder
+48 ‭730 740 100‬